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Jetex Reunites Family By Undertaking Near Impossible Mission

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Jetex continues to facilitate safe and seamless private flights even in the most challenging times.

We are pleased to share the story of how the Jetex Team has helped a mother to reunite with her daughter amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – a near impossible mission which required overcoming numerous challenges and navigating strict travel regulations that are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading.

Shafiq Derkeshly, Project Manager at Jetex, oversaw the flight operation that helped Frieda, a member of World Vision International, to travel back home to Nairobi, Kenya, shortly after her husband passed away while she was deployed in Angola for work on behalf of the humanitarian aid organization.

Starting 20 March 2020, Angola has closed its borders, effectively halting air, land and sea travel. To facilitate the flight, Jetex engaged diplomatic channels to secure the necessary permits, including liaising with the Ministry of Transport of Angola. He led the Jetex Team to arrange a private jet and spent two sleepless nights to make sure that all required permits were arranged and ready for the repatriation flight.

Jetex has successfully executed the operation with zero profit and all for a good cause. Today, Frieda is with her daughter in the safety of their home, a genuine comfort in this challenging time.

“I would like to express my gratitude for all the efforts you and your team implied to accomplish the almost impossible mission of sending our colleague Frieda back home in Kenya to reunite with her daughter after losing her husband. This was an extremely unusual situation for all of us, but your professionalism and competence certainly played a crucial role. This was truly a remarkable result and I am sure none of us will never forget,” said Maria Carolina, Country Director, World Vision International.

Jetex remains true to its promise of facilitating seamless global connectivity at all times, while ensuring safety and wellbeing of its customers and employees.

World Vision International is the largest child-focused private charity in the world, with approximately 40,000 staff members working in more than 100 countries to make sure children in need can have the opportunity to live life to the fullest, including having access to food, water and education.