Aircraft Maintenace
Aircraft parking in front of Jetex terminal
Airport parking facilities
Airport customs & immigration
Catering arrangements
Crew accommodation arrangements
Crew and VIP passenger transportation
Crew lounge
Direct ramp access
Entry and landing permits
Executive lounge
Executive terminal services
FBO Customs and Immigration
Flight planning, weather briefing and NOTAMs
Fuel arrangements
Full dispatch package
Ground handling and GSE services
Meeting rooms
Multilingual staff
Private car parking facilities
Ramp supervision
Security services
Self-maneuvering parking stands for quick turns
US Customs Border Protection Clearance
Airport Information
Longest hard surface runway (ft):
R-1: PCN 63/R/C/W/T
R-2: PCN 88/R/C/W/T
R-3: PCN 99/R/C/W/T
R-4: PCN 82/R/C/W/T
R-5: PCN 104/R/C/W/T
Precision CAT I, 900 m LIH
118.105 C HR ATS
121.500 MHz HR ATS EMERG
121.705 C HR ATS GMC
243.000 MHz HR ATS EMERG
278.075 MHz HR ATS MIL
Aeropuerto de Sevilla, A-4, Km. 532, Sevilla

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